2-CD Set
Live in
Nov., 2011
at Old Songs
Community Arts Center,
Voorheesville, NY

38 songs
plus narration!



Greg Artzner, Dan Berggren, Betsy Fry, Stephen Fry, Reggie Harris, Terry Leonino, John Roberts, Bill Spence, Toby Stover, Susan Trump and George Wilson


Canon (Welcome, welcome every guest)
Go Down Moses, Steal Away . . .
Missouri, Bright Land of the West
A Trip on the Erie . . . LISTEN
Follow the Drinking Gourd . . . LISTEN
Uncle Sam’s Farm . . . LISTEN
Angelina Baker
My Pretty Quadroon . . . LISTEN
John Brown’s Body
Harriet Tubman
Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness
Lincoln & Liberty . . . LISTEN
My Old Kentucky Home . . . LISTEN
The Girl I Left Behind Me
The New York Volunteer
Flight of the Doodles
By the Hush . . . LISTEN
Battle Hymn of the Republic . . . LISTEN

We Are Coming, Father Abr’am . . . LISTEN
The Cumberland and the Merrimac . . . LISTEN
The Drummer Boy of Shiloh
Farragut’s Ball
Richmond Is a Hard Road To Travel . . . LISTEN
Give Us a Flag . . . LISTEN
Weeping Sad and Lonely
Oh Freedom . . . LISTEN
Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground
White (Long Time Travelling) . . . LISTEN
Virginia’s Bloody Soil
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
Battle Cry of Freedom . . . LISTEN
High Cotton . . . LISTEN
Marching Through Georgia
When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again
The Vacant Chair . . . LISTEN
Home Sweet Home . . . LISTEN
Golden Slippers / Jubilo

Brief narrative tracks between musical selections provide a dramatic context, bringing the listener on a musical journey from the Missouri Compromise of 1820 through the Abolitionist movement, John Brown's rise and execution, Abraham Lincoln's election, key moments of the four-year war, Lincoln's assassination and the war's end.

$25 donation postage paid

Old Songs, Inc.

PO Box 466 • Voorheesville, NY 12186-0466
(518) 765-2815 • Fax: (518) 655-0061 • Email:


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